Human claimed that they are proud of their own creation. However, when the emergency happened, we as the human, with the latest advanced technologies which we had, failed to search for the missing flight within the golden 24 hours.
Expert's explanations which I have had read, the plane should be able to send out the signal or sign when any things went wrong. Even generator, and both engines are down, there still have the backup power supply or ability for the plane to send out an emergency signal.
However, no signal received. No sign at all.
This is the hottest news and issues which people are now caring for, especially for passenger's family and friends.
One night passed. People put their heart restless and they hope to see good news from the rescue teams. However, no any good updates.
The plan had never arrived to it's destiny.
Also, at least 4 passenger's passports had found out is fake. The questions raised.
Who are them?
The original passport owners claimed that they lost their passports in Thailand.
So, what is the motive of those who are using stolen passports to enter the flight?
Is any problems with the Airport security check?
Where are MH370?
What happened to MH370?
This is an incident, or an accident???
There is too many unknowns and mysteries for the missing of MH370 Boeing 777.
Pray for MH370, pray for everyone on the flight. May god bless them.
Attached photo below which shows the time line of the missing of MH370.
